GROOVE - Music App

GROOVE  is a music app which lets you to discover new songs,  play your favourites and create and share playlists. 

Other than that, you can find out songs that you don’t know their names or the name of the artists by using an audio recogniser called ‘the finder’.

How does it work?

Groove offers you songs that you might be interested in, take into consideration your listening habits such as songs you have chosen to skip, or those which are the same genre or that are top rated.

There are also  daily updated recommendations of famous artists that you can follow.


MY MUSIC - Create your own playlists

Collect your songs and create your favourite style, name it and even choose the cover of the album!



״THE FINDER" - Identify Songs

The finder is helping you to find out the songs you are hearing on the radio, in the store or any place else.You can see your last results, play the songs and even add them to your playlists. 

Wire Frames

The process of creating the grid was based on my user needs:
1. Orientation needs to be intuitive. The user should always understand how he got to where he is and where he can get to next.

2. Simplicity – the screens were designed to have minimal elements to operate and enable scrolling in both axis for that purpose.

3. User interface –  contrasting colors  in the text elements and buttons to make them stand out.